Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our last visit as a block ...

So we went out to the block this afternoon just to hang out at the park - the kids were bored, they're getting into basketball a bit ... and across the road in the park, there is a 1/2 basketball court with backboards at each end ...
It was a wonderful time with the kids, just mucking around, and then when they started to get bored, Jake went to play on the swings and we could just keep playing a little bit more.
I can't wait until this house is built - it will be so nice to be able to have more space (not that we're cramped at the moment, but you know what I mean!), somewhere to have some vegies growing, and somewhere for the kids to escape to and play!
And with the rain that we've had here in the past couple of days, Mick will be so happy when the house is built as his car will fit in the triple garage!
Mick, being the statistician, has worked out that it is just over 10 kilometres to the block from our current house. Which means that my drive to work, which currently only takes around 15-20 minutes, will take substantially longer. Mick told me this when he found the block, but knowing how much different our lives would be, I couldn't have cared less - and still don't care!
At this stage, although it may be difficult, we still plan to keep the boys at the same school, which is about (at least) another 4 kilometeres again, away from the block. If I find full time work, however, be it at Bestbar or elsewhere, it will mean that the kids have to get not one, not two, but three buses home!
(and they'll get home prob around 20 minutes before me, despite finishing school 2 hours before I finish work!)
The pool has hit a backburner, we're at this stage, just happy to be building the house. Interest rates may have gone up again, but we're not panicking just yet of course... well, I'm not... but I have my head in the sand with these financial matters. That's what husbands are for! :)

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