Mick was adamant that the weather report said it wouldn't rain on Monday, despite my vision of us standing in torrential rain spreading crushed rock (had that vision on Saturday morning at 5.30am)
So here he stands spreading some rock so I can get up the driveway to help him.
We managed to keep the house clean and look forward to going there tonight with the rest of our little loads.
The kitchen is almost set up, and ready for action :)
Truck day on Thursday.
Today the blinds went in, and the driveway was cut out. It should be boxed tomorrow and poured on Thursday with any luck (read: if the bloody rain doesn't come back)
Today is the most glorious sunshiney day, I'm so pissed that we didn't have a specific date from the concreter as then we wouldn't have had to commit to moving with the truck on Thursday, so we would have been able to rest up for another week - would have also come in handy as I got Gastro on Thursday (YIKES) and spent until sunday arvo doubled over in pain (and on the toilet)
TMI - probably. I'll just leave it there.
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